

Before signing up to the Smart School Manager online school management system, please make sure you read carefully and understand these terms and conditions. Agreeing to these terms and conditions will also serves as a contract agreement and memorandum of understanding between your school and the owners of the platform.

1. The smart school manager is an online application which is currently running on an online dedicated server and it is expected to be accessed online.

2. To join your school to the smart school manager online platform, it is expected that you sign up your school through our online portal: www.checkmyresult.com.ng

3. After signing up, your school you will be contacted by the software customer support team to verify your registration to enable them create your school profile on the platform and issue you with your access credentials.

4. Your school is expected to register all students which after that, the accounts team will prepare and send you your payments invoice which you are expected to make payment through our online payment system.

4.1. Subscription Payments for the smart school manager software is based on per student per term and all payments are expected to be paid on or before the first six weeks into resumption.

4.2. After the first six weeks of resumption all schools account will be deactivated for schools that have not paid their subscription fee.

4.3. Payments can be made per term or per session depending on the school choice.

5. All data or information uploaded to the online platform is stored on the software online server and can be accessed by the school through the online portal.

6. Your school data and information are protected and secure by us. Also, we will be creating regular databases backup to safeguard your data and information in case of server crash or damage.

7. Your school is also expected to create and download your school database backup through the online platform and keep as your school backup.

8. Regular updates and upgrades will be provided on the platform by the development team at no cost except for special updates or upgrades requested by your school and also the magnitude of the update or upgrade.

9. Our support team are always on standby to provide solutions to any challenges encountered while using the software.

10. A school is free to dis-engage from the platform at any time if they are not satisfied with the services provided or otherwise.

11. A school can also be dis-engaged by the us (STAMS) if there a bridge in contract or otherwise.

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